
visiting art gallery

Pubs, Cinemas, Art Galleries, and Other Public Places Set to Reopen in the UK Next Month

Late last month, the UK started lifting coronavirus restrictions in certain areas of the economy as part of its phased approach to reopening the country in a COVID-19 world. Certain provisions will be given to several businesses and establishments to operate as long as they still observe the safety measures set by the WHO and

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couple at home

Living in a Rented Place? Here’s How to Make It Feel More Like Yours

Currently, 43.7 million households across the U.S. are renters. This is according to Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies’ America’s Rental Housing 2020 report, showing the ever-increasing number of Americans choosing to rent instead of buying a property. Because of rental agreements, you might not have the freedom to decorate your home the way

Living in a Rented Place? Here’s How to Make It Feel More Like Yours Read More »

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