Health & Fitness

woman with glass skin soaking under the sun

Balancing Fitness and Skin Health: Addressing Exercise-Induced Dry Skin

More than 20% of U.S. citizens engage in daily physical activities, which can contribute to dry skin. Excessive sweating, frequent sauna use, and prolonged vigorous exercise could lead to skin dehydration. Overuse of shower gel and exposure to harsh environmental conditions can strip the skin’s natural oils. Avoiding long hot showers, hydrating regularly, and using

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knee pain

Understanding and Managing Osteoarthritis: Risks, Prevention, and Treatment

Osteoarthritis, a common form of joint deterioration, stems from the wearing down of protective cartilage over time. Age, excess weight, previous joint injuries, and genetics are significant risk factors for developing osteoarthritis. Certain treatments, like platelet-rich plasma, have shown promise in managing osteoarthritis symptoms and slowing disease progression. Regular low-impact exercises, maintaining a healthy weight,

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Optimizing Health and Wellness for Avid Travelers

Hydration, good sleep hygiene, and regular exercise are fundamental in maintaining health during travel. Meal planning, ensuring balanced nutrition, and moderate indulgence in local cuisine aid in sustaining energy levels. Prioritizing mental health through meditation, journaling, and taking breaks can mitigate travel-induced stress. Massages, connecting with others, and scheduling downtime can both relax and enrich the travel experience.

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bloated tummy

Feeling Bloated After Working Out? Here’s What You Need to Know

Maintaining a regular workout routine is crucial for both physical and mental well-being. The numerous benefits include improved cardiovascular health, enhanced mood, and reduced stress. However, it’s common for individuals to experience post-workout side effects that can temporarily overshadow the gains. Among these side effects, bloating is a prevalent concern. Feeling bloated after working out

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woman with measuring tape on her waist

How To Understand the Psychology Behind Extreme Dieting

Extreme dieting is driven by societal pressure, fear of being overweight, desire for control, and need for acceptance. Misconceptions about healthy eating contribute to extreme diets, often leading to nutritional deficiencies and health issues. Extreme diets can result in eating disorders like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder, requiring professional treatment. Prioritizing health over

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Senior with schizophrenia at home

The Surprising Reasons Seniors Are Susceptible to Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia, characterized by disturbed thinking and social withdrawal, affects young adults and seniors. Factors like age-related changes, existing medical conditions, social isolation, medication side effects, and genetics make seniors susceptible. Seniors with Alzheimer’s, dementia, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or hypertension have a higher schizophrenia risk. Being socially isolated or on certain medications can increase schizophrenia risk

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psychotherapy session concept

Best Ways To Ensure the Overall Well-being of Your Child With ADHD

Implementing a routine, promoting physical activity, and providing a healthy diet is crucial for managing a child’s ADHD. Social skills and open communication are integral to improving a child’s emotional and social well-being. Tailored academic support can enhance learning and academic success for children with ADHD. Active parental involvement and collaboration with professionals are key

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