woman about to wear her aligner

Veneers or braces?

Having a smile to be proud of is more important than ever. Many people want to look as good as their favourite stars and look youthful, healthy and attractive. When the teeth are broken, chipped or overcrowded or sticking out, a person can feel unattractive and self-conscious about something as simple as smiling, never mind meeting new people. This guide explains the benefits and details of both veneers in London and braces to help get the smile up to scratch.

What are veneers?

Veneers in London are the dental treatment of choice for many. They are a cosmetic fix for teeth that are chipped, cracked or badly shaped due to damage or wear and tear. They can also resolve major staining and yellowing when whitening has not quite done the job.

Veneers are covers for the teeth made from shell like structures of porcelain. They are very light and thin so are subtle and comfortable to wear. They are bonded to the teeth using a special adhesive and can last for many years.

Why choose veneers?

mouth 3d model for dental presentation

Veneers are popular because they do not require a big investment in terms of treatment time. The final result is achievable in two appointments with the dentist, making this treatment a great choice for those who have busy lives and want to fix their smile in the most efficient way possible.

Getting veneers means that the smile is improved straight away. There is no waiting for gradual improvements, once the treatment is complete the results are immediately visible. For the patient who has been severely impacted by a lack of confidence due to their smile, this is a highly desirable benefit.

What are the options for braces?

The best option for braces is determined by the dentist and patient on an individual basis and depends on the position of the teeth and good oral health. Many people have enjoyed great results with the Inman aligner. It is a removable piece of hardware that slots over the teeth, and can do its job in a short time, sometimes just three months.

Traditional braces remain the best choice for some patients. The metal wires across the teeth fixed with brackets can be used to resolve almost any orthodontic issue, and they do so very effectively. These braces are now worn by people of all ages who want to get a brilliant smile.

Clear braces are often chosen by patients who are concerned about others noticing they are wearing braces. They are completely invisible trays of soft plastic that fit over the teeth. The trays are also called aligners, and these are swapped every couple of weeks while treatment is ongoing.

Clear braces are a good option for those who want to improve their smile with braces but who want to keep their visits to the dentist at a minimum. Traditional braces require regular appointments for manual adjustments. However, invisible braces are ‘adjusted’ when the patient receives their new set of aligners. This means it is simply a matter of picking up the aligners, with no spells in the dentist’s chair needed.

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