woman wearing a facemask outdoors

Are You Going Somewhere This Pandemic? Make Sure to Bring These With You

Being trapped indoors for several months and losing connection with the outside world has fueled people’s travel bug. As more people are getting vaccinated, vacations and out-of-the-country trips are almost within everyone’s reach. Although the pandemic is still going on in some countries, many are now gradually opening their doors to tourists, such as Turkey, Maldives, Egypt, and Croatia.

In Singapore, the government has been taking serious strides towards managing the safety of its tourists. Provided they have passed the travel and safety requirements, tourists can enjoy the glorious sights and airport shopping destinations in Singapore.

While you cannot wait to escape your quarantine prison, it’s important to get yourself ready since traveling during a pandemic requires a more cautious and detailed approach than before. Of course, the last thing you want is to get sick while on the trip instead of enjoying your first travel after months of being cooped up.

The way we travel has changed dramatically because of the pandemic, and even the contents of our traveling bags are not an exception. Given the many considerations for COVID-era travel, we’ll be listing down the must-have items you need to bring on your next trip!

Face mask

The first and the most important item on our list is the face mask. Whether you’re traveling to a city that’s entirely COVID-free, it won’t hurt if you’ll wear a mask wherever you go, especially in transit.

COVID-19 mainly spreads through droplets or microscopic particles emitted by our mouths and noses when we talk, breathe, laugh, sneeze, and cough. Wearing a mask will help slow the spread of coronavirus and protect the people around you.


While this may sound insignificant, bringing a pen can save you from potential safety risks acquired from high-touch surfaces. Some hotels adjusted their safety guidelines and removed a few amenities, such as pens, notepads, and guest directories. This is a part of their health policy to protect their guests from the spread of coronavirus.

Although some businesses may be offering pens, make it a habit to bring your own for personal use. But most cash registers or service counters have a special pile for dirty and clean pens for signing receipts and filling up forms.

Pens aren’t easy to disinfect, so sharing them with strangers is highly discouraged. Pack at least one pen and avoid borrowing or sharing.

red pen

Water bottles

Drinking fountains are common in parks, malls, and other public places. But expect that they will no longer be available for safety reasons. If you find one, you should still avoid using public water to prevent the risk of transmission. The water fountain falls under high-touch surfaces, and you never know how many people have used it before.

The best you can do is to bring a refillable water bottle. Pick one designed for repeated use and is not made of toxic plastic materials.

Toilet paper

If you are on the road for some time, a good amount of toilet paper will come in handy for your restroom trips. Many establishments will no longer provide toilet paper to prevent contact. Some will even close their restrooms temporarily to the public.

While most restaurants, malls, public parks, and gas stations may still offer toilet paper in their restroom facilities, never consider using or touching anything for public use.

Even if there’s an available restroom, seating on public toilets comes with safety risks since the aerosols they emit can potentially worsen the spread of the virus. If you are traveling in a secluded area, you’ll likely feel the urge to take a wee somewhere hidden. In this case, choose an area away from people or bodies of water.

Whatever your destination, it makes sense to bring toilet paper and other restroom supplies. It’s even better if you have a portable toilet to bring with you. Also, don’t forget to bring a disposal bag for your trash.

Contactless credit card

While contactless payment systems have been around for some time, they became widely used during the pandemic. A contactless credit card is the safest way to avoid infections and potential fraud. There’s no need to swipe your plastic on the same machine that touched everyone’s cards or hand over your card to the cashier staff.

Today, tech companies and credit card providers are designing cards, phones, and smartphones with tap-to-pay features equipped with near-field communication technology. All you have to do is hold the card or mobile wallet device near the card reader to submit your payment.

Malls, restaurants, and other service providers that used to offer cash-only payments are now embracing contactless payments to ensure the safety of their customers and staff. Some establishments no longer accept physical cash anymore.

If you’re unsure if your credit card has a tap-to-pay feature, look for its contactless logo that looks similar to a Wi-Fi symbol.

In the end, make it a point to bring items for personal use and avoid using public amenities and sharing items. These items can go a long way in ensuring a safe and hassle-free traveling experience wherever your destination will be.



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