burned out student

Understanding Student Burnout and What to do About it

Anxiety and stress experienced by students can take many forms: mental breakdowns, depression, suicide and student drop outs. The student body in the UK has in recent times seen a spike in the increase in these occurrences – latest available statistics report that levels in suicides rose to 4.7 deaths for every 100,000 students in England and Wales. It is worth then taking the time to attempt to understand what causes anxieties in students and try to find suitable ways to support students.

There are diverse arrays of factors that can be attributed to this alarming phenomenon with many students citing being terrified of failure as a foremost one. This fear of failure can have devastating consequences on the course of learning and assessment. To illustrate this, it may be helpful to note that in order for this process to be effective, students need the confidence to overcome their mistakes. Other causes of student stress and anxiety worth noting include: managing social media, technological competencies and engaging in social relationships.

How to Support Student Academic, Mental and Emotional Needs

Academic burnout can be a terrifying reality for many students with signs and symptoms ranging from irritability to depressed levels of motivation. Academic burnout is linked to exposure to intense study programmes and exam pressure over extended periods of time that can also cause headaches and trigger insomnia. It is vitally important for families of students and students to firstly recognise these signs and then take the necessary steps to reverse them.

One of the first important steps to take is for a student experiencing mental distress to seek the appropriate professional help, both in terms of psychological help and academic support.

Academic support from SAT Tutoring in London (for SAT students), for example, can offer invaluable instruction, mentoring and emotional support to bridge gaps in learning and lack of confidence.

Student Minds recognises the extraordinary pressures students face. The organisation offers students suffering overwhelming levels of stress and anxieties especially around test and exam times, practical ways to cope.

Recommended Exam Survival Tips

tired students

Develop an organised study plan

One of the offshoots of a well-put-together study programme is how empowered it can make a student feel. This plan should allocate time for pleasurable activities as well as ensuring there is adequate time to cover all aspects of academic material.

Learn how to reduce stress

The most common stress-reducing tips include consuming nutrient-rich foods, engaging in physical activity and getting sufficient quality sleep.

Work with your strengths

Figure out which ways offer ultimate learning experiences – do you learn best early in the morning or late at night.

If not addressed in an appropriate way, psychosocial distress in students can translate into increased vulnerability to illnesses, tension in the body and a greater chance of developing  counterproductive habits (overeating, not getting an adequate night’s sleep).

With their extensive experience in the tutoring industry, A-List Education can suggest more reliable ways to support students so that they can make the most out of their academic and career goals.

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