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Tooth Loss in Adults

It is important to maintain a good daily dental hygiene routine from an early age to help prevent dental complications later on in life. Regular visits to the dentist at St John’s Wood and professional cleaning with the hygienist will help ensure that teeth are clean and healthy, and can also make sure that any dental issues are detected immediately, treatment which may be necessary will be more simple and effective and also to help retain the patient’s natural teeth for as long as possible in the later stages of life. Tooth loss in adulthood is a traumatic and embarrassing situation. Tooth loss may occur as a result of poor oral hygiene which has been left untreated, however sometimes it may also occur as a result of an accident or trauma to the teeth or gums. In the event of tooth loss it is vital that immediate medical attention is sought out at the dentist either to help restore the tooth or where this is not possible, to help replace the missing tooth or teeth.

What are dental implants and how do they work?

Dental implants in St. John’s Wood are a well-established and increasingly sought-after choice of tooth replacement therapy amongst dentists and patients. Dental implants are titanium components which are designed to fuse with the alveolar bone of the jaw to become permanent fixtures in the mouth. They are fitted by placing the implant into the bone socket of the missing tooth and then a natural process called osseointegration occurs in which the surrounding bone cells, also known as osteoblasts, grow around the dental implant and secure it permanently in place. This is a natural process of growth and repair; it can require up to 12 weeks from when the implant is inserted into the bone for it to be successfully fused into the bone. Following an examination, when the dentist is satisfied that the osseointegration has occurred successfully then a small connector post, also known as an abutment, is attached to the implant and acts to attach the new tooth securely in place. The new tooth, or teeth are developed using either x-rays and scans of the patients teeth, or by taking an impression of their teeth, and using this to create a crown which is used to replace the missing tooth. The crown is attached securely to the abutment and can be designed to match the natural existing teeth for a better aesthetic result. Dentures are also used on dental implants and then these can be fixed or removable to suit personal preference, and are a popular alternative to having multiple crowns.

What are the advantages of dental implants

There are many different advantages of dental implants which is why they are a popular choice in restorative dental treatment. Firstly they improve the aesthetics of the mouth by replacing the missing teeth which may have been uncomfortable and embarrassing. They look natural as they fuse permanently into the jawbone, and they also feel like natural dentition as they are fused securely into the bone, and the patient will not even realise that it is there. They help restore the function of the mouth which may have been affected due to the missing tooth or teeth and they also improve the oral health of the patient in general as the remaining natural dentition stay in place and are further supported by the stability provided by the implant, thus increasing the life of the natural teeth because of the overall positive impact of the implant itself.

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