bright smile

Revolutionise your smile with the best

What is dental hygiene?

Dental hygiene contributes to the overall health and wellbeing of your teeth and gums. In life, you are bound to experience different dental health issues and these can be genetic or due to your lifestyle. Not engaging in proper dental care practices such as brushing and flossing after meals will often result in dental health issues. Furthermore, eating too many sweet or acidic foods can also result in problems.

Why visit a dentist?

A dentist is a professional who is responsible for helping, guiding and advising individuals on how to maintain good oral health. Oral health is just as important as having good physical and mental health and will have a positive impact on your overall appearance, helping you look your best if looked after. Paying regular visits to your dentist will help you maintain good oral hygiene and health consistently throughout your life.

What are some common examples of dental issues?

There are different types of dental health problems that can pop up during different periods in our life. These can sometimes be due to negligence and not taking proper steps to take care of our oral health or some are due to events out of our control. Some common dental health problems include cavities, stained teeth, toothache, chipped teeth, impacted teeth and sensitive teeth.

What are some common dental treatments?

There are a variety of dental health issues that dentists can treat in ways that will help restore dental health to its best. There are braces and retainers, root canal treatment, bonding, fillings, crowns, bridges and dental implants.

dental implant

What are Sheen dental implants?

Sheen dental implants are the most common form of treatment for tooth loss. Tooth loss often occurs due to several reasons such as tooth decay, periodontal disease and injury. Implants act as a tooth replacement. A dental implant provides a solid foundation for permanent or removable teeth that are made to mimic natural teeth.

What are some perks of getting dental implants?

There are many benefits that can be derived from having implants. The first and foremost benefit is the improved and enhanced appearance of the mouth. These implants, when complete, look like the remaining teeth of the patient. They are designed to blend in and fuse with the bone and are therefore indistinguishable from natural teeth.

Then there is improved speech, which is another benefit of obtaining this treatment option. Since these implants mimic natural teeth they allow individuals to speak accurately without worrying gaps in the mouth or slipping dentures.

Furthermore, dental implants allow individuals to eat easily without discomfort. Since these implants act as an artificial tooth root, when fitted with a prosthetic they restore the function of the teeth they have replaced as well as the aesthetics.

This leads to greater comfort that will allow patients to enjoy the things that come easily to those people who have a full set of functioning teeth. Self-esteem will be restored, as these implants are indistinguishable from real teeth and improve oral hygiene, as gums which were left vulnerable by missing teeth are once more protected. The jawbone will also benefit from the stimulation of the titanium root and once more grow and be replenished.

Having lost teeth restored in this way has aided many patients in rebuilding confidence which may have been lost due to an incomplete smile or difficulty in following a normal diet. We take so much for granted, but we no longer have to put up with losing something which is so fundamental to our enjoyment of life.

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