damaged teeth

Bad Habits That are Causing Damage to Your Teeth

The teeth are the only part of your body that cannot heal itself. Over time, your skin, your bones, your muscles, and even your liver will regenerate and go back to normal. However, your teeth, once damaged, will always be damaged. You would need the expertise of a dentist to repair the affected tooth. When it is gone, the loss will be permanent and you would have to get used to dentures.

That is why your teeth need extra attention. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss once a day, reduce your consumption of sugary snacks and drinks, and visit your dentist for preventive care every six months. Moreover, try to avoid doing any of these.

DIY Teeth Whitening

For young people nowadays, white teeth are a necessity. It does not matter whether they are a social media influencer or a private individual. Everyone wants white teeth.

Some, however, choose to whiten their teeth using methods from blogs and social media websites. They advocate the use of activated charcoal, which can easily be purchased in powder form or in capsules, as toothpaste in the hopes that it will brighten their smile.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not approve the use of activated charcoal as a teeth whitener. The substance can be too abrasive which can damage the enamel, the hard upper-most layer of the tooth.

To safely whiten your teeth, talk to your dentist. They will be able to recommend the best teeth bleaching kit that will not permanently damage your enamel.

Most importantly, remember that teeth are not normally as white as you see from celebrities. The natural color of teeth is off-white and sometimes slightly yellow. Certain foods and beverages including coffee, cola, wine, and potatoes can stain your teeth. Smoking will also cause discoloration. However, if your dentist is happy, then there is nothing to worry about.

Aggressively Brushing Your Teeth

clean teeth essentials

Brushing your teeth at least twice a day is essential to maintain oral health, but are you doing it correctly? Way too many people brush their teeth aggressively which can also damage the enamel. Moreover, it can irritate the gums which can lead to gum disease or gum recession.

You should be brushing your teeth with gentle strokes instead of pushing your toothbrush on the teeth. Make sure that you are buying soft-bristle toothbrushes, too. Look for the American Dental Association’s Seal of Acceptance which ensures that the product has been proven to be safe and effective in removing plaque and reducing gingivitis.

Chewing Ice Cubes

Many people developed the habit of chewing the ice cubes that often come from the beverage they have been drinking. This, unsurprisingly, is not good for your teeth.

When two hard things collide, they eventually will break. Although your teeth are tougher than an ice cube, it can still sustain damage from the contact. It may get chipped or it may become irritated. It will cause a problem later on.

If you get the urge to chew, you may want to consider sugar-free gum instead.

Biting Your Nails

Do you have a habit of biting your nails whenever you are nervous or bored? Although it may not seem like it, your nails are very dirty. Whenever you touch a surface, you are picking up bacteria and viruses which can cause illnesses. As soon as you bite your nails, germs enter your body through your mouth.

In addition, nail-biting can cause your teeth to move out of place. You will be required to wear braces to bring your teeth back to the correct position and prevent them from overcrowding.

Using Your Teeth as a Tool

Yes, it is impressive and convenient that you can open a bottle of cola or beer with your teeth. However, one day, your tooth, not the bottle cap, will be flying out of your mouth.

Your teeth have only one purpose: to chew food. It is not designed to be a bottle opener, a nutcracker, or a substitute for scissors. Doing anything using your teeth outside of chewing food will only cause damage. The tooth may crack in half, for example. It may also be pulled out of the socket unexpectedly, causing it to loosen and fall.

Although the damage may not become immediately obvious, the material can also scrape the enamel off of your teeth, making them vulnerable to infections.

Just grab a proper bottle opener or scissors instead of using your teeth.

Your teeth are not indestructible. Certain activities, in addition to poor oral hygiene, can make them vulnerable to damages that lead to infections and tooth loss.

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