
What are the Long-Term Consequences of Career Relocation?

You got the offer for your dream job. But it’s 200 miles away. You know that a similar opportunity may not be available where you live. So with help from friends and a relocation services provider, you make a blueprint for a big move.

But have you considered the potential long-term consequences of an interstate move?

Unmet workplace expectations

No matter how promising a job offer looks like, things can go sour somewhere down the road. Let’s say after your interview with your future boss, you were sure that the two of you will get along well. It turns out, however, she is about to leave the company in six months. Her replacement has a different approach to work, and you start having serious disagreements with him. Will this make you regret your decision to move interstate?

The way you envision your new workplace may not be accurate, whether it has to do with your boss, colleagues, management, or the job itself. Sometimes, we can expect too much or fail to foresee possible changes. Because of the risks you made by moving far away, the effect of such unexpected events is more critical than if these happened without relocating.

Thus, before making a big move, ask whether you’re willing to stay in this state or would you go back to your hometown if things turn sour. And what are the chances that you can easily find another job here that meets your criteria should you lose or quit your job?

Difficulty adjusting to a new city


Some people are born nomads. Others have more difficulty adjusting to a new environment. Are you the first or the second one? How about your family?

How different your new life will be will depend on how different your city is to your old one. Your new neighborhood may have more couples and single people than families. Your kids might have fewer playmates. Maybe people aren’t as neighborly as they were in your old neighborhood. Your new neighborhood might not have access to parks and other recreational spaces. It may take a while for you and your family to adjust to your new surroundings.

But you can prepare for these changes instead of being surprised by them. It’s good to visit the new city and get a feel for the culture. Check potential neighborhoods to live in. Wander off in the fresh market, mall, and parks. Find out if they have a paleo store, like the one along your street if that’s important to you. Then ask yourself, do you see yourself living here in the next few years? And are you ready to adjust to the differences it offers?

The challenge of investing in relationships

Perhaps, the hardest part of any move is turning an unfamiliar foreign place into something you can call home. Whether you’re relocating as a single or family person, it’s normal for you (and your family) to feel homesick for a while.

The sooner you can make new and meaningful connections, the faster you can overcome homesickness. Are you up for the emotional and social challenge of making new connections? If you’re with your family, are they also ready?

A move to a different state for a new job may advance your career and help you grow as a person. But weigh your options. Consider the costs against the benefits. And brace yourself for unexpected changes.

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