dental treatment

Want to learn more about having a porcelain veneer fitted? Read on for a brief dental guide

Have you tried whitening toothpaste, only to find that your teeth still have a yellow tint?

Or, are you worried about someone noticing that minor crack across one of your teeth when you smile?

It seems that many people have minor imperfections in their smile that they want to resolve, but are also less than eager to spend a fortune to do so. If you have sensitive teeth, then the last thing you want to do is have your teeth professionally whitened and while you could have that crack repaired with a composite filling, it may look out of place next to your other teeth if it is shaded incorrectly.

Luckily, there is a way to resolve these issues and more. Simply ask your dentist about dental or porcelain veneers from Wagga.

One of the most versatile of all cosmetic treatments, a veneer or covering allows you to conceal a myriad of minor imperfections, without an extensive fitting period and with minimal (if any) specialised aftercare.

Curious to learn more about what they are and how they can change your life? Read on!

What are they?

As mentioned before, typically these coverings are made from porcelain and, physically, they resemble a false nail. They are sturdy and can be colour matched to your surrounding teeth perfectly, while also offering protection to teeth that are damaged or in need of support.

They are a mixture of cosmetic and restorative, and can be used to conceal and fix everything from cracks in enamel to sensitive teeth!

How are they fitted?

When you have them fitted, your dentist will gently sand the front of the tooth (or teeth) that they are to be attached to.

Using a small amount of dental cement to secure it in place, the covering will be placed over the front of the tooth until the cement hardens and holds it in place. There may then be some final, minor adjustment to get the shape of the covering exactly right but that’s it! No injections required and you can leave your dental surgery that same day with all of them attached.

What else do they treat?

dental equipment on a table

Porcelain coverings can whiten teeth up to 28 shades, can conceal crack and minor gaps in between teeth while also correct asymmetry issues in the mouth.

They have been used to treat sensitive teeth and can also be used to strengthen teeth that have been weakened by having a crown fitted or a root canal performed. They really are versatile!

Can anyone have them?

As long as you are over the age of 18 and don’t have gum disease, then it is likely that you will be suitable for a porcelain covering. If you aren’t sure, contact your dental practitioner.

How long do they last?

With correct aftercare and lifestyle habits (such as no smoking or excessive drinking), these nifty coverings can last an average of 20 years. And of course, if they do fall off, you can always have them put back on!


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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