How to be healthy

Good health is the most valuable asset a person can have. It improves quality of life, makes it easier to be romantically and socially successful, and helps people to live independently well into old age. Many people think that the occurrence of illness and disease is simply a matter of luck, but there are lots of proactive ways to minimise the risk of these things occurring. This includes seeing the dentist in Tunbridge Wells, taking care with diet, exercising and more.

Looking after oral health

Taking good care regarding oral health is not just about making sure that the smile looks good. It is a matter of preventing bad breath, gum disease and tooth loss. When the teeth and gums are in poor condition, the rest of the body is affected and heart and lung disease, dementia and arthritis are all more likely.

The best ways to ensure good oral health are to maintain a comprehensive brushing and flossing routine at home and to visit the dentist for regular check-ups. The dentist can check for issues that may be unknown to the patient, but which may cause the condition of the teeth and gums to deteriorate. They can also conduct screening for oral cancer, which can be much more easily treated and prevented from spreading to the rest of the body if caught in the earliest stages.


Sugar and saturated fat are both significant contributors to poor health and decreased life expectancy. It is a good idea to check for hidden sugars in products that many people do not associate with being unhealthy, such as some ready meals and convenience foods. Takeaways and fried foods are usually laden with saturated fat. These foods should be enjoyed as an occasional treat, rather than a regular part of the diet, if a person wants to be a healthy weight and to keep the heart healthy.


Getting some form of exercise most days has a whole host of benefits. It helps to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, lower blood pressure and can be a very beneficial tool in enjoying good mental health. Most gyms offer induction programmes for beginners, and those who are unsure about formal exercise can consider walking. Daily walks outdoors have the added benefit of boosting vitamin D levels, which helps to boost the health of the teeth, muscles and bones.

Minimise alcohol

Regular alcohol use has an inflammatory effect on the body, which can cause a range of health issues. Drinking over the recommended guidelines of 14 units per week increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and many cancers. People who wish to cut down can consider the choice of alcohol-free beers, wines, ciders and other drinks that are now available. This means that they can enjoy the ritual of having a special drink without compromising their health.

Reduce stress

Stress is also known to have a potentially inflammatory impact on the body, which can cause physical illness. It is important to unwind using healthy methods such as meditation, yoga, reading and general self-care.

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