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Burglary Concerns — Don’t Make Your House a Mark

One in five Australian homes have been targets of burglaries, with the total number of robberies per year exceeding 200,000. Make sure your house doesn’t be a part of those disturbing statistics by taking measures that would discourage hooligans from coming near your home.

Ramp up Security

In 2019, 2.4 per cent of Australian homes experienced break-ins, while others dealt with attempted break-ins(1.9 per cent), vehicle theft (0.5 per cent), vehicle break-ins (2.5 per cent), property damage (due to break-in attempts at 4.6 per cent) and other forms of theft (2.1 per cent).

Every part of Australia faces burglary problems, from urban centres like Sydney to the more rural parts of Mareeba. While cash, jewellery and electronics (laptops, cameras and phones) are the usual target, burglars have also been known to steal identification documents. Since you can’t always be at home guarding it, you’ll need stronger security measures to deter burglars.

Make sure your windows and doors are secure every time you leave and during the night. Check if your garage door is operating properly. If you notice any problem in its mechanism, hire garage door motor repair services in Mareeba or any other location immediately. It’s easier to move your car in and out of the garage if the door is automated, and there’s a higher risk of leaving it open if it’s operated manually.

An alarm system is also a good option to keep your personal belongings and identification safe. You can also get a dog — it doesn’t have to be big and scary (although it would help a lot) as a loud bark should be enough to give robbers second thoughts.

Monitor Your Surroundings

cctv installationFBurglars know that monitoring systems will increase their chances of getting caught. A CCTV camera or two should be enough to dissuade potential robbers. Install them in strategic places for maximum coverage, and don’t prioritise their visibility. Burglars know if cameras are just for show, and fake security warnings will only invite attention. Get a few motion-detecting skylights, as well. Your unwanted guests would hesitate once they’re illuminated, and even your neighbours will see your lights turn on and off. If your neighbourhood has a watch of some sort, join and multiply your monitoring power by linking your cameras to a network.

Prepare for Out-of-Town Travel

Letters in the mailbox, bins on the curb and empty driveways — they’re all dead giveaways that your house is unoccupied. Burglars often look for signs of a vacant house before striking, so any indication of out-of-town trips can leave your house vulnerable.

Make preparations before you go on a long trip to give your house a semblance of occupancy. Cancel or forward your mail somewhere else. Ask a relative or friend to stay in your home while you’re away. You can even get the services of a house-sitter if you can’t find a reliable house guest.

Don’t make your house a mark. Tighten up its security and take measures to deter young pranksters and hardened burglars from even attempting to set foot on your property.

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